Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 122 - 5 days post op - 3wks adjusted

*Just to start I need to make a correction. I said Jett had a blockage in his duodenum, that was incorrect, it was his jejunum, so they cut that part out and joined it up. *

Another great day for my lil Jett star! He is down to having daily blood gases. Today his CO2 was 60 and his PH was 4.3. It is the PH they are paying attention to now, more than the CO2. His PH should be between 3.5 and 4.5 so his was good. His ventilation has been weaned further today now his rate is 25 and his pip is 18.. The lowest it has ever been!!!!!!!! His oxygen is at about 25% and he has oxygen sats of 98% :) Jett's sedation was also weaned again by 4mcgs, so it's now at 8.

Jett's arterial line started leaking tonight and when the nurse went to re tape it, Jett pulled his hand away, pulling it out. It doesn't matter though, he doesn't really need it. I'm glad because it is one line less and he now has a free hand.

Jett's antibiotics will finish on Monday, unless his IV tissues before that. If his IV goes Dr D was happy to cease the AB's so he wont have to have the cannula resited. Yay!

My lil fatty had a sponge wash and weigh today. He tolerated it really well. He doesn't seem to be in any pain. He lifts his legs while I change his nappy and seems fine :) His weight today was 4510gms! He is a bit swollen though, so it's not entirely accurate. Still, he's a big boy!

His aspirates from the NG tube have increased. If they go more than 15mls at a time, he has fluid replacement so his electrolytes etc stay balanced. I was a bit worried about increased aspirates, but apparently it's ok, it means the gut is producing more gastric juices. They are not worried about it at the moment. The aspirates are still a bit green, but it looks clearer to me. I am keen for Jett to start on milk, but at the same time don't want to rush him.. We have waited this long, whats another week or so! I would hate for him to start feeding and have it put stress on the joins in his intestine, slow and steady wins the race...

I have been on motilium since Tuesday to build up my supply, it seems to be working. It has increased by about 10 - 20mls per pump, so not a great deal, but it's something. I know with all my frozen milk, at least I'll have enough for him until he can feed from me himself. Then he'll just have to work hard to build up my supply. :) I think he'll be quite happy to do that :)

My little star - 4 days post op :)

No idea how the star ended up in his ear! Lol

Today, 5 days post op.. "I love my Mama this much!! ( 2 days ago I bought him the book 'Guess how much I love you... He loves it and quite clearly understands it!!)

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