Today Jett had his bath and weigh. He now weighs 4628, so he only lost 20gms which is good. Hopefully he will start putting on weight again :)He loves his bath, but prefers being on his tummy. If I put him on his back he tries to roll over, so he spends most of the time on his tummy. I let water drip over his face today and he liked it. I think I have a water baby :) Can't wait til next summer!
Jett had bloods done yesterday, he doesn't even flinch when they do a venous stab, he's so brave. His coagulation factors in his blood are good and his solenium (trace element in blood) is on the low side of normal so he will only have a few more days of that and that should be ceased. His vitamin levels weren't back yet.That's about all that's been happening, Jett has been touring ICN in his pram getting loads of attention from the nurses. They all love him and can't believe how good he looks. He is still a bit jaundiced but it's slowly disappearing. Jett is 5 months old tomorrow! I can't believe it!The story of my miracle son, born at 25 weeks who finally made it home after 157 days in hospital.. Always watched over by Angels Taite and Seth...
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Day 152 & 153 - Smiles :)
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Day 150 & 151 - 1st outing..
Today Jett had his weigh and he has lost more weight. 80gms in fact. Dr D said not to be concerned though just yet. I am just worried that we wont be able to go home until he shows steady weight gains.. Only time will tell.
Jett had his second hearing test today and failed :( In both ears.. Last test he failed the right but passed the left so it was a bit of a surprise. Anyway now we will see an audiologist in about 2 weeks so he can have further testing. I'm trying not to worry..Jett is still feeding beautifully and is just the love of my life!! Can't wait to have him home!!!
If you would like to see some pictures of Jett, become facebook friends with him! To request his friendship search for: Jett Babybutton. Please include a message of who you are and how you came across this blog, all requests must have a profile picture and a message or they wont be accepted :)Friday, February 24, 2012
Day 149 - Hearing test
Last night was our second night of baby led nursing and Jett again had a great night. He had his last feed at 10 then didn't wake til 2am then 6am, so it was pretty much like the night before. Not sure if I mentioned in the last post but I managed to score a hospital bed on the same floor as Jett so I just stay here now. The nurses just call me when he wakes and I'm only 2 seconds away :).. Jett has still been feeding well during the day, he feeds just about every hour. I don't mind, I love feeding him and cuddling him. It's the best :)
Jett had his hearing test today. They put little ear muffs on him and connect 3 sticky dots (similar to ECG leads) to his head and shoulder. They then measure the brain waves which tells if there's brain response to the sound. Jett's right ear failed, but left ear passed. They re do the test and if he still doesn't pass with both ears we will then see an audiologist. I was a bit surprised he failed, he always responds to noise. I was wondering if maybe the ear phone wasn't stuck to his ear properly and it was letting other sounds in? Anyway I'll find out when they do it again tomorrow. He is at high risk because of the long term ventilation, oxygen etc and considering only a few weeks ago I had no idea if he'd even survive, I think if we get out of here with mild hearing loss in one ear, I think we have done ok.. I know he's not deaf. Anyway, whatever happens I'll deal with.. For now I'm going back to the nice thoughts of getting him home, which is closer than ever!!Thursday, February 23, 2012
Day 146, 147 & 148 - Central line out!
Today Jett is 21weeks old.. He has been Earthside almost as long as I was pregnant!!!
Anyway...Yay, yesterday Jett's central line got taken out! It was slowly weaned down and left at 1ml for about 16 hours then it was out! I was so happy I cried. The first time ever my baby is line free :). Jett isn't even monitored anymore. No oxygen sats or heart monitor woo hoo! He had a lovely bath being able to float and splash his arms. He had tummy time and looked like a little froggy. I think he'll be a water baby :). Jett got weighed and was 4898gms. He'll probably lose some weight now the TPN has gone but as long as it creeps back up he'll be fine.
Jett had no reaction to his vaccinations at all so I was glad about that. Home is sooo close.
After some persuasion I have been given a bed here at the hospital so Jett and I are on the same floor. We had our first night of baby led nursing last night and it went beautifully. He only woke up once through the night :). This means his NG tube can go! He doesn't need it for anything :) yay yay yay! I am so happy Jett is feeding so well. He fed every hour yesterday, so I only left quickly for lunch. Apart from that I'm here. Jett was awake all day yesterday except for 2 hours when he slept on my chest. Gotta go, bub's awake :)Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Medication details
Daily selenium - this is a trace element he is deficient in. It was added to his TPN but he's been having it orally for the last few days.
Weekly Vitamin k - Jett was having fortnightly injections but is now having it orally and will continue to have it until his liver function is better. (He has conjugated bilirubinaemia caused from long term TPN)daily pentavit - a multi vitamin he is on this specifically because he is deficient in vit A & D
Nilstat - both cream and oral drops to prevent thrush which can be caused from TPNHe had a stat dose of vit A yesterday and still has soluvit added to his TPN.
Jett had full bloods done yesterday which include liver function. He will continue to have these tests fortnightly until further notice :) Jett's head circumference yesterday was 38.8cmToday Jett had his immunisations. He had 3 needles normally its only 2 but I didn't want him to have the hep B, so hey had to separate the vax. :( he cried but then when he had the oral rotateq he forgot all about it! It's really sweet so he loved it. I was cuddling him the whole time so of course he had a breast feed after :) he's back on full monitoring now for 24 hours to make sure he doesn't apnoea or brady. He should be fine though, at the moment he's sleeping soundly. :)
Day 144 & 145 - :)
Dr D put Jett's feeds up faster today to compensate for the TPN going up over the weekend. He's now on 60ml 3hourly overnight and still demand feeding through the day. (I don't like the term demand feeding, maybe I can say we are doing baby led nursing?? )His TPN is coming down 1ml QID as his feeds increase still by 3mls. The TPN should be finished tomorrow night.. Yay! The central line will come out! I can't wait.. Then we will start baby led nursing overnight too!
Jett got weighed today, his weight is 4890gms which is great. I'm so happy he is putting weight on without his milk being measured. He may lose weight when the TPN goes. It wont matter though, as long as he starts to put it back on. Jett loved his bath today. It relaxes him and he sleeps well after it. I can't wait til he can float properly with no lines in!!!Immunisations tomorrow :( I really thought hard about doing it, Sometimes it can make them go backwards in terms of needing oxygen. I don't think it will though. Jett is 6wks adjusted, he's not a tiny prem anymore. He is having all of them except Hep B. Not sure if I will keep with the schedule, I may delay further vaxxes..
I can't believe our time here is coming to a close... I couldn't be happier!!!Saturday, February 18, 2012
Day 142 & 143 - 6weeks adjusted
Well my days have been about cuddling and feeding :). Jett is completely demand fed through the day and has fed every 1 to 2 hours. It's been great I have been able to ditch a few expressing sessions. Technically the lactation consultants advise you to express still but I'm too busy holding Jett. I still express in the morning, twice through the day and then before bed and my supply is great :)
Jett's tube feeds are going up 3ml twice daily which means the TPN is coming down 1ml twice daily. Bummer is they put it up because of his weight, but its back down to 7.77 now. Hopefully Wednesday it'll go. Then we can start demand feeding overnight too. Jett's weight today is 4828gms, its good he's putting on weight he's obviously getting enough booby milk :)I'm really happy feeding is going so well. I am so happy. It shouldn't be much longer and I'll have my son home! I'm finding it quite challenging because Jett needs so much stimulation and its hard being stuck in the one spot. I'm getting head aches all the time from having a sore neck, although the last 2 days I've hidden in the corner with a recliner lol. I'm getting spoilt, if there are any meals spare I always get them. Most of the nurses know me well ;)
Well I'm on my phone and Jett is waking so next update will be in a couple of days :)Friday, February 17, 2012
Day 140 & 141 Baby led nursing :)
As I write this Jett is asleep on me :) We got a spot in the back corner near the window. It's because it has more space for all Jett's crap lol.. I joke its one of the perks for being long termers lol. (I love to hide in the back corner lol) Anyway I'm on my phone with baby in arms so excuse lack of punctuation and spelling errors.
So we are going well here in special care. Jett is now having 5 breast feeds a day, if he's awake, I feed him. I am going to chat to the clinical nurse consultant about staying in parent craft and doing 24 hour demand feeds. At the moment he is still being tube fed at night.
Jett is still on TPN but not for much longer, Dr D is going up faster with his tube feeds as of tomorrow which means TPN should be gone very soon. At the moment he's on 36ml feeds three hourly, then whatever he gets on the breast. Lasix will be weaned tomorrow and yesterday Jett came off his heart monitor. All he has now is his oxygen saturations probe. We will be getting transferred to our local hospital in a week or 2. I think all Dr D is waiting for is for him to tolerate full feeds (60mls 3 hourly) and be off TPN. Immunisation will be early next week so he will be monitored for reactions. After that though, we'll be off..Jett has put on 34gms so he now weights 4754. It's good he is putting on weight, especially since he has come down on tpn and is mainly having breastfeeds. Obviously he's getting enough. My milk supply is so much better. I'm still on motilium, but having Jett feed has done wonders. Can't wait til the pump goes completely!
So it looks like we could be home soon yay! I am loving being a mummy that can do things for her child! I get here and feed him, then we either do tummy time or he has time in his vibrating rocker, or we have cuddles. Whatever Jett wants :). He doesn't sleep a lot during the day, so I get no time to do anything at all now.. I literally leave the nursery for about half an hour to eat then I'm back again.. He loves to sleep on my chest though :) It's just hard to nab a comfy recliner so my neck has been in agony from sitting uncomfortably all day. It's worth it.. Having him home will be so nice. He is so amazing, He is soooooo beautiful. I love him so much. I love the way he looks up at me when he's feeding. Just makes my heart burst with love and pride. My perfect boy :) So many people are proud of him! He's still the most visited baby by nurses. Lots of ICN nurses have come in to visit us in special care.. HE is a very loved boy!Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Day 138 & 139 - Hello Special Care :)
My baby is so clever! He had 2 breastfeeds today and didn't need to be topped up with a tube feed! He sometimes plays around but generally he attaches really well.
The physio came to see us today and we had tummy time on a play mat. He did really well with his head movement and follows toys.. He appears to be developing really well and reaching the milestones he should be for his adjusted age. Everyone is really happy with his progress.Day 139
SPECIAL CARE!!! This morning I came in for Jett's 8am breastfeed and was told that we were moving to special care. I was so happy I burst into tears.. Then I couldn't stop crying lol.. The other good news is we have gone up to 3 breast feeds a day, they are increasing every 2 days :)Dr D came in this morning and Jett was happily feeding, Dr D said "Well I see you 2 have settled in well" :) It took us all of 15 mins lol..
Jett's breast feeds have gone well again today. He had a good feed for his 8am, without needing topping up with the tube, but his 2pm feed I woke him up for. He wasn't impressed and was more interested in sleeping than feeding so we tube fed him. He had a bath at about 3 then started showing cues, so I tried again and he did great. Attached really well and fed for quite sometime. I find in SCN (Special care nursery) it's more baby led. If he cues earlier than his feed time they are happy for me to feed, if he stops he can go back, so he ended up feeding on and off for an hour.. I love it. He looks up at me with these big eyes. Pure love..Jett was weighed today, he has actually lost weight. Only 10grams though. He now weighs 4720. I'm wondering if it's because he's come down on the TPN. I hope he doesn't lose too much. That is what could stop us from going home.. He will be completely off TPN in about 10 days Yay!!! I'd say it wont be long after that we will be transferred to our local hospital. Then HOME!!!
I am really hoping we only have another month in hospital.. We are closer to that door though!I am loving how awake and interactive Jett is. He has time in a vibrating chair in the mornings. He loves it normally but didn't this morning, he just wanted to be held.. So I held him :) I have mastered holding baby and pumping lol.. He almost smiled at me today. It was kind of a half smile. Very very cute! It wont be long.. I think he's about 5 weeks adjusted. He is a story teller. A chatterbox like his Mama :) He loves to be held. I hold him all day, then sometimes I try to sneak him back to bed.. Sometimes he stays asleep other times he doesn't. If he doesn't I just pick him back up again.. Luckily though he did sleep after his bath and feed so I was able to come back and have dinner. I am back at the house now, I will be going back for his 8pm feed, but I told them to call me if he wakes earlier. I wonder if they will lol..
The nurses seem nice so far, I miss my ICN nurses though. We built up a rapport over the 139 days lol. Some of them (MOST) really loved Jett and I think they are really happy he is doing so well..He truly is my miracle baby!! I am so proud!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Day 136 & 137 - I love having a booby baby!
Not much happened today, Jett had a breastfeed for his 11am feed, he latched, played latched played then the last time he latched he sucked for a bit. I had a letdown and he coughed and spluttered a bit! He then did a huge burp and fell asleep! Lol..
We had cuddles ALL DAY. The only time he was in his cot was for 2 hours at quiet time and for half hour at handover! There was a spare hospital meal the nurse offered me so I didn't even have to leave for dinner, I just went in the parents lounge and ate :)I absolutely LOVE being able to just walk in and pick my son up if he's crying! We love cuddles!!!
Day 137Today Jett did really well at breastfeeding. He latched straight on and fed for a bit. He still plays but I am just so happy he can latch. I was so worried about having latch problems. I knew he wanted to, he's always been a keen sucker on his dummy etc, but as we were both learning I thought it could take some time.. No, not my boy.. He's starving Lol.. Then this afternoon we had a second feed and he was on for about 20mins!!! About 15 of that would have been good sucking with a stop for a burp in between! He even managed to latch back on by himself!!! I am so happy. THIS makes expressing worth it. This makes me feel like although I couldn't carry him to term, at least I can nourish him now.. Plus it means the sooner feeds are coming along the sooner we can go home!
Jett's TPN is down to 12 now, so a maximum of 12 days and he will be on milk completely. Having said that we have to watch he is putting on weight. He was weighed today and didn't put on anything. He was exactly the same.. At least he didn't lose weight..Jett loved his bath today :)
Anyway this is a rush post, gotta get back to my baby, he's probably wanting Mummy cuddles!!! He has a lot of awake time now. I love it. He entertained some visitors over the last couple of days.. It's so good to see! I'm in love love love!!!! :)Friday, February 10, 2012
Day 134 & 135 - Breathing and feeding!!!!! :)
Jett's off cpap!!! He's so clever.. Just breathing on his own! It's so beautiful to see him with no tapes and crap on his face.. We had the best cuddle. I just stared and stroked his beautiful face for hours.. He had 4 stinky nappies for me to change yesterday!! Everything is working as it should... I'm so happy :)
Day 135Wow, today has been huge!!! Since Jett has been off cpap since yesterday, it was time to move on.. We moved into a transition room. It's still ICN, but next stop is SPECIAL CARE! We will be there soon I'd say.. Maybe by the end of next week depending on beds etc.. Another step closer to being home with my son!! Jett was weighed today.. Little fatty is 4730gms! He is big, but when I saw a nurse cuddling him he still looked so tiny. He was dressed in triple zero clothes yesterday, but today I got him into a 4 zero.. It fits him, but not for much longer...!!!
The highlight of my day though wasn't moving rooms. It came about after we bathed and weighed Jett. The nurse said i could try breastfeeding!!!!!! I expressed first because Jett is only on 18mls so we didn't want to overload him. Jett latched straight away but only sucked for a minute or 2 before just playing. It was so good though :) Then this afternoon I tried again and it it took him a bit longer to latch but he went like a champ.. My little baby fed on and off for about half an hour, stopping for a burp and a play in between.. It was so normal and natural. It was absolutely everything I wanted it to be :) I feel like a Mummy now. I am so over the moon. It was so nice to pick my son up, breastfeed him, then hold him for ages while he slept on my chest.. Absolute bliss!!!Since I've never fed before, I have no idea if he was attaching correctly, but he seems to be and it doesn't hurt. I was concerned about his ability to suck after being ventilated for so long, apparently a high palette can do damage to your nipples.. Oh well, it felt so nice and Jett was very very happy.. He was milk drunk with the hiccups and passed out on my chest after.. Seriously the best feeling ever... It make all those hours of pumping so worth it... I couldn't be happier! Things just get better! Can't wait to go home and I'm so excited that I have started what I hope will be a long breastfeeding journey!!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Day 132 & 133 - Cycling off CPAP!!
So I walked in today and saw my son's face.. All of it!!!!! Without tape!! Dr D had given him 6hrs off his CPAP! He loved it, he did so well. It was a very quiet day, Dr D wanted minimal handling to give him the best chance of keeping the CPAP off. I didn't miss out on my snuggle though, I just did it in the arvo when he was back on..
Jett went up to 9mls of milk today, he had a massive spew in the morning, but it was after his meds and vitamins as well. The pentavite makes most babies spew. He tolerated the rest of his feeds really well.
His bowels are definitely working. In fact just after I got him out last night I saw him grunting and sure enough then came the smell so I had to change his bum before we could settle for our cuddle. I wonder if I'll ever get sick of him doing poos lol.We had a really nice cuddle, I had him from about 7.30pm til after midnight. I would drift off to sleep and wake up to my gorgeous boy. It is the best. He was very comfy and slept most of the time, although at first he was trying to latch onto my chest so I had to cradle hold him :)
We haven't moved rooms yet, but it is definitely on the cards.. I'm excited but it will be weird! We have been in that room so long! I started going through my stuff here at Ron's and packing up. Basically now it's just my clothes and toiletries that need packing.. I'm so ready to go home!!!Day 133
12 hours off CPAP today! From 9am til 9pm.. He has again done really well. He had his bath and weigh today as normal and I had a cuddle :) It was really nice cuddling him with nothing on his face. Normally I only have him for about 5mins before they put it back on. Not today though.. He snuggled right up into my neck and fell fast asleep. So natural and normal..I can't remember his exact weight today, it's not that significant now, as long as he keeps putting weight on, which he does! He was about 4.7kgs.. I have him dressed in a triple zero T-shirt.. My little boy is growing up..
He went up on his feeds, 12mls today, no vomiting and his aspirates are scant :) He has pooed twice today! If he keeps this up his feeds will keep increasing :) I can't wait til we can try him at the breast. Dr D said he has to be on 30 - 40mls per feed.. Hopefully it will only take him a couple of weeks to get up there.. His TPN (Total parental nutrition) is being weaned 1ml per day as his feeds increase. So he's on 19mls, which means 19 days and all going well he'll be off it. No more central line... Then we really will have freedom. I have spoken to the nurses about taking him outside and once that central line goes I should be able to. Wow! That will be such an amazing moment, taking him outside for the first time! I can't wait!!!So many things to look forward to now!!! I'm so proud of my little Jett Plane. I am so lucky to be his Mama!!!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Day 130 & 131
Since this journey is not an emotional rollercoaster anymore (YAY!!) I am thinking of finishing this blog soon.. What I will do instead is create a facebook page for Jett, that way I can control who is able to follow his journey instead of having it public on the net for anyone to find.. I will announce when it is the last ever post, I wont just stop posting, and I will also give details of the face book page so people can request to be added.
The reason I started this blog was originally to give people who have lost babies inspiration that you can get your happy ending.. What it turned into, was a very full on account of what the journey of having a premature baby can be like! I hope that this blog can help other people and give them strength to believe.. Miracles do happen.. Just look!! I feel so blessed :)
Jett at 9 days old
Jett now at 130 days old!
Day 130
Jett is still going really well, he had lovely cuddles yesterday :) I love getting sneaky stand up cuddles in when he has his CPAP off :)..
I ended up having to buy a deep freezer for my milk. I tried to get away with it, but I have filled another 2 drawers at the nursery.. I am donating some, but I still want to save most of it for just in case :)..Day 131
An eventful day today! Jett's CPAP was weaned to 5 which is the lowest it is weaned to before it comes off. Dr D said after he's been on 5 for a couple of days then she'll cycle him off. Probably 6hrs off, one day, then 12 hours off the next then hopefully off!!! I would love if he was off by the weekend!Jett had a bath today he isn't really liking his big baths at the moment. He cried the whole time.. It will be better when he gets his central line out and he can have a proper float.. I think he would enjoy being on his tummy in the bath too.. After his bath he had his weigh. He weighs 4644gms now! He has put on a bit of weight! Must be that Mama's milk!
Jett's feeds increased today!!!!! :) Yay! He is now on 6mls every 3 hours and every day it will increase by 3mls, so 9mls tomorrow! I asked Dr D when I can try him on the breast and she said he has to be on about 30 - 40mls per feed.. If his feeds keep increasing and he tolerates it, hopefully that is only a couple of weeks away :)I think we will be moved to special care in the next couple of weeks. Once he is off CPAP and Dr D is confident he wont go back on it, it should be time to move on! It will be so weird to be out of ICN.. We have been in that room since Jett's first surgery!
Jett had bloods done today. Liver function, a full blood count and they tested some of his trace element levels.. I put EBM on his dummy and he didn't even cry! He is so so brave!
Today I have had 2 cuddles of Jett. Once this morning after his wash and weigh then this arvo he was unsettled so the nurse was happy for me to get him out. He settled straight away (of course!) and was fast asleep soon after. There is no point in him trying to settle him in his cot when he just gets more distressed. If I was at home I would pick him up more than once a day! I'd pick him up whenever he wanted cuddles.. He loves cuddles!Jett also loves sitting up like a big boy! A change of scenery does him good! Here's a pic of him during some quick time off cpap!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Day 128 & 129 - Every day is cuddle day!!
Day 128
Yay! I got permission from Dr D to have cuddles every day!!! When he's crying he loves cuddles. He settles straight away when he's with me..Jett is going really well, the surgeons took Jett's dressing down yesterday and it looks really good. The scar is right across his tummy, but really neat. He can make up whatever story he wants to in years to come :)
The surgeons are happy to increase Jett's feeds when Dr D wants, she is just staying at 3mls though for now because he aspirates are still quite large. Maybe Monday his feeds will increase..
Jett had a nice night, sitting up and being entertained! The nurse that had him is so nice, she pays him loads of attention.. He has a rocker type chair she got for him. He loves sitting up like a big boy!He's still doing really well on CPAP.. No bradys or apnoeas :)
Day 129
Jettski had a bath today and a weigh. He weighs 4.5kg now.. I can't remember the exact weight. He wasn't sure about the bath today, he cried on and off. We had cuddles straight after. I had him wrapped up and we snuggled together for ages. He was passed out it was so cute.. I hate having to put him down to express!! He has slept most of the day. I bet I am in for a good night tonight.. Hopefully if he's unsettled I can get him out again. Jett's CPAP was weaned to 6 today.. He is just doing so amazing.. On Monday dr D will most likely wean it to 5 then he will start having time off.. Maybe 4 or 6hrs at a time.. At the moment he only has time off during baths and cares. He really loves it and maintains his oxygen sats beautifully.
We might be getting moved to another room soon! It's still ICN but it's the transition room to special care... Oh yes, discharge is close!! (Well closer than it's ever been!!) I am so happy at the moment, I have a few things I need to sort out, but it'll be done. Nothing can bring me down :) I just love being a Mum to a living baby!!!! I can't wait to get home!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Day 126 & 127 - Feeds started :)
Yay!! Jett started on Mam's milk today! 3mls every 3hours. They started at 8am. I was disappointed they didn't call me and let me know, I missed it by an hour :(.. Anyway, I got over it quickly and I was there for the next one. It is so exciting!! Jett's bowels are definitely working too.. Yay again! Lol..
We had a cuddle this afternoon, it was so nice. We didn't have skin to skin though, I didn't bother undressing him. When he was passed to me, I had him with nothing on his face for a bit. He was smooshing his face into my chest it was so cute. It was so nice to not have to worry about the tube! His CPAP went on soon after but even then if he slips down I can reposition him. It's so much easier. It's nice to hold him in different positions and look at his gorgeous face! We did get pics, but they aren't very good.Jett copes so well off the CPAP, he'll be weaned fairly quickly I think. :)
Day 127 - wash and weighWell to start the morning Jett's CPAP was weaned to 7 from 8 yay!! I forgot to mention when he first went on CPAP his oxygen was 26%, now it's 21%.. (Same as room air!)
Jett had a big bath today :) With nothing on his face!!!!! We still had to be careful to not get his central line wet though. I can't wait til that's out and he can just float around! He cried during most of the bath.. I love hearing his cry.. He cries so loud now.. It's the best sound ever!
He is loving food, I have been putting EBM on his dummy when they put his feed down the tube so hopefully he will make the connection with the taste and suck. It must be so strange for him to have a full belly! He has been aspirating back most of the milk but Dr D said that'll happen, it will probably take a while for his gut to know what to do..Jett was weighed today, he has lost a bit more weight he weighs 4406gms now..
The surgeons are really happy with how he is, they are going to take his dressing down tomorrow. Hopefully it has healed nicely and wont need to be re dressed.I am so happy with the ways things are going, Jett is doing poos everyday, breathing and eating!!!! Sounds so basic, but it's definitely such an achievement. He is doing so well on CPAP and he does great off it. It just goes to show that if he didn't have gut problems he would have flown through and we'd be home by now.. It is amazing to think where he came from compared to where he is now. I can't wait to go home.. It's not that far away!!! :)
Snuggy cuddle with Mama after Jett's big bath!
Aww look at that gorgeous face!!!
That's a bit of a huffy face!
CPAP back on, look at my cute outfit!
Fast asleep after my exhausting big bath! Catching flies lol