Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 146, 147 & 148 - Central line out!

Today Jett is 21weeks old.. He has been Earthside almost as long as I was pregnant!!!


Yay, yesterday Jett's central line got taken out! It was slowly weaned down and left at 1ml for about 16 hours then it was out! I was so happy I cried. The first time ever my baby is line free :). Jett isn't even monitored anymore. No oxygen sats or heart monitor woo hoo! He had a lovely bath being able to float and splash his arms. He had tummy time and looked like a little froggy. I think he'll be a water baby :). Jett got weighed and was 4898gms. He'll probably lose some weight now the TPN has gone but as long as it creeps back up he'll be fine.

Jett had no reaction to his vaccinations at all so I was glad about that. Home is sooo close.

After some persuasion I have been given a bed here at the hospital so Jett and I are on the same floor. We had our first night of baby led nursing last night and it went beautifully. He only woke up once through the night :). This means his NG tube can go! He doesn't need it for anything :) yay yay yay! I am so happy Jett is feeding so well. He fed every hour yesterday, so I only left quickly for lunch. Apart from that I'm here. Jett was awake all day yesterday except for 2 hours when he slept on my chest. Gotta go, bub's awake :)

1 comment:

  1. Abby I am so happy for you, you are so close to taking home your gorgeous boy. You have been such an amazing Mumma throughout this terrifying time and Jett is so lucky to have you. It is so excellent that you are able to breastfeed him. Wishing you all the very best for taking him home. Thanks so much for sharing so much with us.
    Kirsten xxx
