Well the morning didn't start so well, when I rang at 5.30 I was told he needed a cannula re site, however, when I got there Dr D said he is fine to have his meds orally so no need for another cannula!! He is only having caffeine and lasix through it anyway. Things would only change if he needed a transfusion or if he needed AB's again.
Jett has had a good day, oxygen down to 30% and we had a cuddle this morning :) 2hr skin to skin :). His oxygen wasn't too bad, he had a major desat when he was first put on me and his oxygen was put up to 40% but it was able to be brought back down to 34% :) He is still swinging a bit, but they try not to chase him with oxygen, they like him to come up on his own and today he has been recovering from desats quite quickly.
He had a microlax enema and did big poo's. I'm not used to changing pooey nappies lol.. He has been cheeky today, peeing on his sheets twice today while I was doing his nappy.. Creating washing for his Mama.. I love it though, it makes me feel like a normal Mum in a way lol..
He had an abdo U/S today and his tummy looked good. So at this stage, no contrast, no surgery. I think it will be left as long as possible. His platelets are still dropping they are only 59 now. Jett had a urine test to rule out CMV. (Cytomegalovirus). If he has it, it's not dangerous, it's really common, but they want to rule it out as apparently it can cause platelets to drop. They won't even treat it, if he does have it.
Next week he will be 32wks gestation, so he will be having an eye test for ROP (retinopathy of prematurity)... I don't want him to have it cos it will hurt him :(.. Mama will be there holding his hand and they normally give sucrose for pain relief, or EBM.. Jett will be having EBM on his dummy. When I left to come and have dinner he was so comfy on his tummy :) I'll be heading back soon :)
TMI post about boobs :)
So my nipples aren't getting better despite being on the hydrocortisone cream for 3 nights now.. So between myself and the lactation consultant, we decided it was thrush. I went to ORC for a script for diflucan, but it contraindicates with my heart condition so they said no, just stop taking the antibiotics and resume anti fungal cream. I have turned down the power of the breast pump and they seem a bit better so hopefully my body will recover soon. I am excited to be off all meds and finally have clean milk for my bub. (Not that he's feeding at the moment, but he will!) Apart from my nipple issues, I feel good today, I love snuggles with my babe :)
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