LOL Check out Jett's angry face :) Soooo cute!
I'm really enjoying watching my Son's personality develop more and more every day. He is so strong willed, definitely not shy of letting anyone know when he's unhappy! He has the cutest lil angry face and also the cutest lil smiley face. Oh hell, every face he pulls is cute!! I'm just so so in love!!!!!! *Gushing over now, I can't believe I'm one of those mothers lol*
Another awesome couple of days, bub has been really settled and his oxygen has been sitting steadily on 37%. He has been tolerating head turns and today he had a wash which he tolerated really well. He didn't have his ventilation increased at all and still maintained his oxygen sats :) I'm wondering if it is because he has his big boy tube in?
Jett has also been impressing the nurses with his suctions.. They have been getting out the thickest secretions.. It's gross actually lol, but he must feel so much better after. The Drs have also increased his fluids and TPN as they are using his weight of 2265gms as a working weight! His edema has gone down, although not completely gone, I hope the increase in fluids doesn't make it come back..
Jett's HB was a bit low on his blood gases, but he escaped a transfusion because his FBC showed a HB level of 87 and that is more accurate. Praying his HB doesn't drop, I don't want him to have to have an IV put in.
I did a rough length measurement today, he is approx 43cms long!! His head circumference is 31.5cms :) I can't believe how big he is getting. He is actually big enough to fit into premmie size clothes. He can't though because of all his lines.. One of the Mums was joking today by the time we can dress him he'll be in OO size, he's getting that big lol.
Dr D has gone away and I'm still unaware of who has taken over.. Dr D said it was Dr K, but I haven't seen him yet, then a nurse mentioned she thought Dr C has taken over. I'll find out tomorrow.
I am having a cuddle tomorrow, I am so excited! I just hope he handles the transfer well. He did last time, so it shouldn't be a problem. I actually think my baby is getting cuter by the day :) He soo loves his nappy free time, I try and give him as long as possible, then he screws his little face up and bends his legs when it's time for the nappy to go back on lol. I have increased his breast milk lolly pops to everytime I express at the cot. He sucks it and sticks his tongue out, I wish I could feed him properly..
I have been good, apart from the pain in my breasts. It is absolute hell, but I can't do anything about it, so I just have to deal with it. I am focusing on the goal that one day I will be able to breast feed my baby and then it will all be worth it.
Last night a baby died, it was really sad, it really brings me down to Earth and makes me realise that yes, this NICU journey is hard, but everyday prem babies are dying and I am so lucky that I have my Lil Jettski still with me. On Saturday it will be the twins 3rd year anniversary of their death. 3yrs ago, it was me whose babies died. I wish I could give those parents a cuddle, but I didn't know them, and I haven't seen them since.
When I think of my children, I am so grateful for the things they have brought to my life. I have met some of the most amazing people, if Taite and Seth hadn't existed I may not have met them otherwise. Same for my Lil Jett, I have become friends with other parents of prems, and I think they will be lifelong friends. It makes being here a bit more normal. To be able to have a chat and a laugh right by our baby's cots is so good.
I have definitely adjusted to the NICU life. I know this because I feel like I am living rather than just existing. It is hard to explain to people who haven't experienced it. It definitely helps having friendships, it brings normality to your life.
Well, time to express now YUK :/
Love the angry face, he is so cute.
ReplyDeleteHoping everything goes from strength to strength for you and this beautiful little man.