Well yesterday was a good day until I changed his nappy last night. He had a nappy change earlier that had a tiny streak of blood in it and we were hoping it was just trauma around his anus from the enema, but then his next nappy change proved different. It was full of poo and clotty blood :(. The Dr's immediately did a blood count and an x ray, both of which came back the same as the previous ones, so that was a good sign. Nothing was done overnight as his ventilation was stable. This morning at 4am his nappy had more blood in it, so I was at the hospital early this morning, to sit with my baby.
When they did his blood gas at 6am Jett had a major bradycardia and his oxygen saturations dropped down to 20%. He was grey, it was awful. Luckily though he didn't need to be bagged, they just increased his ventilation rate and he recovered quite quickly. Later on when they managed to get a blood gas, it came back that his carbon dioxide was 88 so they increased his vent rate permanently from 40 to 45.
He then had another massive desat, with his oxygen levels dropping to the 30's so his rate was again increased to 50..
When his Dr (Dr D) came to see him she wanted to start him back on antibiotics in case he has an infection in his gut (possibly NEC, which has been mentioned in earlier posts) so to start him on AB's she first needed to put in a cannula. :( One hour she was in there with him and when she finally got a vein it was in his head :(.
I cried when I saw it, my beautiful baby's head, was one part of him untouched and now it had a drip in it :(... It is so unfair, I hate seeing my baby boy like this :(
Dr D is thinking that the surgeons will just have to operate without a contrast. She was going to talk to them today and I am hoping to see them this afternoon. Dr D seems to think surgery is likely in the next couple of days. So scared for my baby boy.
Sad and scared. Angry that my baby has to go through this.. Fucking sux. My baby is laying in an isolette with a fucking drip in his head and possibly about to have surgery. It really isn't fair. He is so brave. I love my baby so much.
Still following your journey everyday, sending you lots of love and strength Abby and a mountain of strength and courage to Jett *hugs* xxoo