Cuddles with Mama!!! (If you click on the 1st pic you can see some of the lines etc.. It really was a production. It takes 3 nurses to transfer him and his lines. It's a wonder they could ever untangle him Lol)
Today Jett and I wished his brothers happy 3rd birthday, and celebrated with a cuddle! I had to cradle hold him, but that was ok, I got to look at him and stroke his head. He loved it.. He is still on 10mcgs of Morph and medaz and was given a bolus dose before he was transferred onto me. It was quite a production with all his lines, and of course the fridge had to be moved! We had a beautiful 3hr cuddle. He has still been having a few desats, so his rate and pressures were brought up on his ventilation a bit, which prevented any desats.. Dr D was really happy with how he coped and is happy to make it a regular thing.. I think the nurses will chuck sickies on cuddle day. It's really a lot of work for them before and after.. Like Dr D said though "Oh well, we do what we have to do" God I LOVE her!!! She really has the best interests of not only Bub, but Mum at heart. I couldn't have asked for a better Dr.
Jett had his eye test this afternoon :( I had spoken to Dr D about putting it off. They normally have it at 32wks (adjusted) but Jett was only a few days post op so they left it til this week. Dr D explained the importance of having it because it can pick up early signs of ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity) and sometimes laser surgery can prevent them going blind if it's caught early.. Jett is in a high risk category because of the amount of oxygen he has needed as well as him being so early.
Anyway, the test was awful. I gave him a breast milk lolly pop (soaked a cotton bud and swabbed his mouth!) and held his hand. They give him drops to dilate the pupils then local anaesthetic drops then they retract the eye and look at the blood vessels at the back. Jett hated it, he had major desats, even though his rate pressures etc had been increased, and he had a bradycardia.. It took him a while to recover, desatting and having another brady. It is awful and I'm so glad I was there to hold his hand. I cried after they did it. He was so unhappy. My poor little baby. He was gripping my hand so tight :( The result was good!! I was shocked.. He does have to have repeat tests though. His next one is in 2wks.
He has such busy days, no wonder he gets so tired!! He's such a beautiful brave boy!
I had an awesome day (apart from Jett's eye test :( ) I put on make up and felt good. I can't believe it has been 3yrs since my precious twins were born! It was such a beautiful day, it was really nice to get out in the sun and release their balloons. Having a cuddle with Jett was special too of course!
I am feeling positive about my procedure tomorrow. I am hoping it will be a miracle cure Lol.. Once all this crap in my uterus has gone, maybe my milk will increase and my body will start to heal! I'm not anxious about it at all, I just want it over with! Mum has booked her flight, she goes home the end of the week. Not thinking about that yet!
So pleased you had a nice cuddle yesterday Abby. The photos are lovely and I'm sure the nurses could see how beneficial it was for both you and Jett, despite the effort required on their part. Just seeing you two together is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteSending lots of love and healing for you today.
Abby - Happy 3rd birthday to your beautiful twins.....I am glad you got to release some balloons. Sorry the wishes are a bit belated.
ReplyDeleteThe photos of you and Jett and your Mum are awesome. You look so in the moment with your boy. And he looks so good.
Keep fighting the good fight.
Hope you went well today and it's all been cleaned up and you'll bounce back.
Keep strong.