Well Jett Plane had an eventful day yesterday. We had a cuddle which was soooo nice. He had been weaned down to 34% oxygen which was really good. During the cuddle he was sitting on about 40% but maintained high sats for most of the time.. It was a long 3 hour cuddle and he looked pretty peaceful in my arms :)
Unfortunately yesterday he couldn't escape a blood transfusion :(. His HB was 76 on a formal FBC. After his cuddle Dr C put a cannula in and he got his blood. Luckily the cannula went in straight away. It's good his little veins have been given time to recover.
Jett's arterial line lost trace also yesterday so it was taken out. Now he has to have his heel pricked to get blood. Luckily they are only doing daily blood gases and 3rd daily full blood counts.
He is still not liking his head turns and suctions. He has had thick mucous plugs in his lungs. He had a major brady yesterday while they were suctioning him. They had to bag him and he still didn't respond so they hit the emergency bell. As all the Drs came in his heart rate came back up, and within no time he was back to normal rate and pressures on his ventilation. It happened again this morning too, except he responded to the bagging. It's a bit scary when I see it, but I didn't freak out as much this morning because I know how quickly he recovers. It's these bloody suctions that set him off. The larger tube must be really irritating him. A nurse mentioned this morning that Dr C (who is taking over while Dr D is away) was thinking of extubating him, but his carbon dioxide was too high.. It was the 1st I'd heard of it. It's a bit scary, but I would be happy if bub was on CPAP in the next couple of weeks. It would be great to get rid of that tube. Only if Jett's ready though!
I also found out that the surgeons are using 3kgs as a ball park figure to when Jett might next have surgery. It doesn't mean he will, when he gets to 3kgs, but it's a goal to work towards. He is 2.2kgs now, so 800gms to go. Could be in a month or so.. They did say it wouldn't be before xmas, it may be soon after. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I'm scared of him having surgery, but we can't really move forward if we don't.. I'm just scared he wont survive the surgery. Or that he wont have enough viable gut to keep him alive.. It's just scary all round, but something will happen one day. He can't stay ventilated on TPN forever..
Today his drain site was oozing more than it had been. His dressing was changed this morning, so I really noticed it. I voiced my concerns to the nurse and she paged the surgeons but they didn't come. I'll make sure it's handed over in the morning. It doesn't really matter that it's oozing, it's probably better that the gunk is coming out, rather than staying in his abdominal cavity it's just different, it's darker and there's blood in it. Anyway the surgeons will be around tomorrow no doubt and the Drs know about it..
I think that's about all. Today Jett was fairly settled. He always goes red after a blood transfusion. His ventilation has been stable, only having oxygen increased to 40% for handling, otherwise he sits on about 34 - 35%.
I'm going well. I'm really happy, I have been off antibiotics and diflucan for a few days now, so I have clean milk again Yay!
I'm going for lunch with some of my new friends tomorrow, I can't wait. I'm going to have a nice juicy steak and a wine lol... I'm really happy I have made friends here :)
Boy, has Jett come a long way!