Wednesday, Day 77
Today Jett had a really good scrub :) Instead of just getting a couple of pots of water and doing a gentle sponge, I got a big bowl and some clothes and gave him a really good bath. It's amazing how filthy they get just laying there lol.. It was like he was shedding skin, I gave him a good exfoliation and he loved it. Next time we are going to sit him in the bowl.. We just have to be careful not to get his IV and central line wet. He was also weighed today, 2888gms!! My fat boy Lol..
He was sat up for the first time today.. So cute. He was wide awake and looked so confused. He has never seen the world at that angle before!
He had his tube changed today for a bigger one. They gave him a big bolus of morph and medaz. He has become so resistant to them, when they tried to sedate him for his tube change he had to have about 15mls!! They put his rate up to 40 and left it there til he woke up properly.. When they took it out they got a couple of pictures for me. They said he let out a cry when they took the tube out. I can't wait to hear him cry!

Look Mum, no tubes :) 1st pic is of him crying 2nd pic is as the sedation is kicking in lol
Dr D said that he would be having a contrast study done sometime in the new year and surgery is still planned for "Well into January" No date booked yet. Jett is creeping up to that 3kg mark. I think he will get there before they are ready to operate.
He had his frusemide reduced and his morph and medaz are slowly going to be weaned starting next week.
Thursday, Day 78 - 11 weeks old!!
We had a cuddle tonight :).. Jett is stable so we are having 2nd daily cuddles, yay! I had him for 2hrs and then he got unsettled.. We thought he was hot, so we uncovered him and he calmed a bit, but then kept crying.. After we put him back to bed he was still really unsettled. I hope he's not in pain. The Drs are aware and they will watch him. Clinically he is ok, oxygen is good, temp is good. Maybe he's just having a whinge now that he's older he needs more interaction. I am going to buy him a mobile for his cot :) It looks so cute when he cries, I wish I could hear him. I hate not knowing what's wrong though..
Today Dr D increased his TPN. His working weight is now 2.7kgs. He had the dressings around his drain changed tonight and coped with that really well. His drain is still draining a little bit and the Drs are pretty happy about that. We are all hoping it is a sign that his gut is working somewhere along the line.
Since his tube change he has only had small brady's and recovers quickly. I think it's making a difference, his oxygen is down to 30% and his rate is back down to 35. He had a cap gas done though and his CO2 was high. I think it was 94.. His PH though is still good, so his body is compensating. I thiknk that's all the news for Little Jetty boy. he looks cuter by the day ;)
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