My lil Jett is getting so big! His weight today was 3234gms.. That's about 7lb 2oz :)... He's getting chub on his legs that's not fluid.. It's gorgeous!!
Last night we had an awesome skin to skin cuddle :) When he was put to bed we had to change his dressings around the drains. He is leaking out of both drain sites, but mainly from around the intact drain. It's definitely poo, it smells so strong. So I ended up with jett's poo on me for the first time lol. Again this morning it leaked but instead of changing the dressing we just reinforced it because it's not good for his skin. This afternoon though it had leaked again, so it had to be changed. This time it has jelanet on it, gauze, then comfeel dressing, then tegaderm, so hopefully it wont leak through! I am hoping and praying with all my heart that this is a good sign that his bowel is somehow working..
It has led me to think about how I will handle it if Jett has to have a colostomy that can't be reversed. I can't imagine what it will be like for him or how his life will be affected. I really really hope a miracle happens. I know a colosotomy isn't a big deal for me.. I'm happy to take him home in any state. I love him, he's my son, but I hate the thought that he could be teased about it, or that he wont have girlfriends etc because of it :( Oh well cross that bridge if we come to it. I will just be glad to have him home one day.
I can't believe that we are still in ICN at Christmas. It's hard knowing that we should be nearly home, it's hard knowing he may never come home. He has to though, we have come so far. The joy this little man has brought to my life is amazing. I feel like my heart is about to burst with love. I love seeing him first thing in the morning. He is always asleep and I wake him up with kisses :) I swear he smiled at me this morning when I was kissing him. Whatever face he pulled was cute anyway :)
This afternoon his IV finally went. I was surprised it lasted for the blood transfusion! So now he will be given his lasix orally 2mg/kg and his caffeine will stop. I'm so glad he doesn't need another IV... Yet.
Here is a pic of him in an outfit that was originally bought 3yrs ago for his brothers :) OMG he's so cute I wanna eat him for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!!

I hope you don't mind me saying this...
ReplyDeleteNawww, what a little fatty boombah! *melts at the cuteness*