Well Lil Jettski had another eventful day yesterday. His IV tissued which meant he had to get another one. His AB's were supposed to be finished today, but for some reason he is on them til tomorrow now. I stayed with him while they did the cannula, he had been really unsettled all day, wriggling and crying, so I didn't want to leave him. I must admit, I normally leave the room when they do cannula's, that was one thing I couldn't stand to see them do, but I just couldn't leave him and figured I shouldn't be so selfish, I need to be there with my son. I'm glad I stayed, I held his hand and gave him Mam's milk on a cotton bud. Dr C did the cannula and got it in straight away, Jett didn't even flinch. He is my big brave boy!
The surgeons spoke to me yesterday about the ooze coming out of the hole where Jett's drain was and they are happy that it's gastric juices, not pus, and they are glad it has a hole to come out of instead of building up in his abdominal cavity. The main thing they were concerned about was that it would cause the skin around to break down, so they put a bag around it last night.. It's weird, it's like a proper colostomy bag, so it catches all the ooze. It is strange seeing him with a bag. I wonder if he will need one forever? So for now it's doing the job, it means he doesn't have to have dressings changed all the time and his skin around it should remain intact.
Jett also had a FBC yesterday, his albumin was 20 so he had a transfusion scrubbed into his line last night. That has now finished. His platelets were a little bit low apparently, but Dr C doesn't really talk to me much, so I'm not sure if they are concerned or not. I can't wait til Dr D gets back!! I'm just so used to her and she is very present. She always comes to talk to me. Dr C is a great Dr, he is director of NICU, he just doesn't say much..
I think that covers the events of yesterday..
Today, I got a cuddle! I just thought I would ask this morning and the nurse said it should be fine, she'd just check with the Drs, so I went to express then when I came back a chair was there for me :)

I was so happy, it was such a nice snuggly cuddle. He was really good, his oxygen was sitting really high :) I was pissed off though, I ended up busting for the toilet, so had to put him to bed earlier than I wanted.. It was nice though, I still had him for about 2hrs.
Jett's fridge is now gone! Now he doesn't have his central line he doesn't need it. I kept the sign "Jett's medication fridge" I can't wait til he comes off these antibiotics tomorrow. I am hoping the IV lasts til then..
I had a shit day yesterday, I just feel so helpless. I wish I could make Jett better and have him home with me. I loved our cuddles today, I'm so lucky to have him. I love my baby so much. I love and miss my little twins today. I wish I could cuddle them too :(
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