Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Big catch up - Day 67, 68 & 69!


So much has happened over the past few days..

Day 67 - Sunday

Jett had his Head circumference done as well as his wash and weigh. He is a big boy weighing in at 2530gms.. He had actually lost weight from the last weigh but that is a good thing because it was excess fluid he lost not weight! His head circumference is a massive 32cms :).. His nasogastric tube was changed and it was put down 1cm further to reach his tummy.. He is a growing boy lol. He is still having some aspirates but very light in colour and not much at a time so that is good. He is still having thick secretions sucked from his lungs and it is blood stained. The Dr isn't concerned at the moment, but they are keeping an eye on it. All antibiotics stopped today. The Drs figure he had been on them for 3wks, the bugs should be gone by now. They were worried if they didn't stop them he would end up with a bug resistant to antibiotics. They are happy just to watch him over the next few days and hopefully he wont display signs of infection.

Day 68 - Monday

Jett's platelets had come up from 59 to 72 which is great news, he has another full blood count Friday. He only has his blood gases done 2nd daily now which is good. Now the Arterial line has gone he has to have heel pricks, so his heels were getting all bruised. The changes to his levels weren't usually significant enough to make changes to his treatment anyway, so 2nd daily is sufficient.. His oxygen level is sitting well on 34%, not even being increased much for cares. Suctions however are a different story and he still often brady's when he has them :(.

Today he had his eye test.. FUCKING TWICE!! :(.. It sux and is so traumatic. He had a brady during it again :(. After the first test the Reg said he had stage 2, zone 2 ROP and he needed to be checked again in a week.. About an hour later the boss Dr came back because he wanted a look as well.. Luckily he was very quick, (no brady that time!)and he said Jett looked like he had stage 1 zone 2.. With ROP, stage 1 & 2 usually corrects itself and there isn't need for laser surgery.. Anyway, Dr Boss guy said he is low risk, so Jett doesn't have to be checked again for 2wks thank god! I want boss guy to do it from now on, he was so fast. Anyway, at least it was a better result when he did it and Jett is saved from going through it again next week.

Day 69 - Tuesday

Jett had another wash and weigh today, he weighed in at 2596 :). His oxygen was weaned down to 29% which is so good! He is able to be positioned on his tummy again and he seems to really like it.

Jett went into a proper open air cot tonight. He is dressed (in a hospital gown) and is wrapped up in his own snuggy blankys :)He looks so much like a term baby. It is so so hard not to pick him up. His skin has matured so much and he looks so good. I will upload pics when I have time, I'm just trying to do a quick update before I get too behind!

His lung secretions are still a bit blood stained but not as much, they are still thick though.. He sounds like an old smoker and gets really agitated when he needs to be suctioned. It must be so uncomfy for him.

I think I have caught up on the main events of the past few days. My baby is doing so well and I'm so proud of him.. He will be 10wks old on Thursday, I can't believe it. It's gone quick, but sometimes feels like we have been here forever! My goal is for Jett and I to be home by March.. Bring on the day I get to snuggle my babe whenever I want!!!! At the moment we are having twice weekly cuddles. I should be getting one tomorrow. I'm so excited!!


So many emotions right now, a friend of mine got transferred back to her hometown today (Hi Miss J, if you're reading xx) I am so happy for her, but it was hard to see her go. We have spent the past 9wks together, sharing an experience that is like no other. We got to know each other so well, in such a short amount of time. We have laughed and cried together, expressed together and watched one another's babies grow from skinny newborns to plump full termers! It is amazing the friendships you form in here. I am sad Jett and I are still here doing the same thing, when others are progressing.It is hard to see babies move onto special care then eventually home while we are still stuck in NICU. On the other hand I am glad that Jett and I are still here.. Jett's here and I am happy about that. I am having a positive day today, he looks so good, this little Bubba of mine is coming home.. Not yet, but by March!!! He just has to! He has come so far and shows such strength. Every day here is another day closer to going home. I love you my gorgeous baby boy, Mama's so proud :) I better go get some sleep now! I'll catch up more about me later :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey sweetie I've given you a blog award on

    Completely understand if you don't have time/want to do it but I wanted to award it to you anyway.

    Sending you and Jet all my love and prayers
    Mrs Bubba T
