Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 11 :)


Well not much has changed since yesterday :)He is still on room air and his delta P is down to 16. They raise oxygen and delta P for cares and suction, but he is tolerating it really well and is able to be weaned down again soon after. He was weighed today which was a big event for him, being lifted out of his crib, but again he coped really well. They weighed him because they wanted to ensure his medication doses were correct, particularly the hydrocortisol for his BP.. His weight is recorded at was 1081gms (although, I'm sure I heard 1181gms when they weighed him??)and they have decided not to change the dosage of meds. His other BP meds are still slowly being weaned.. The Drs also don't record his weight 'officially' because he is so full of fluid, it's not a correct weight :( I can't wait til this fluid goes and I know how much he has gained from Mama's milk!

He is up to 3mls today! Tolerating feeds sooo well!! He had a head scan again today, I'll find out the results tomorrow morning. I was SO ANGRY because nobody bothered to call me to let me know he was having it. I knew it would be today, just not sure when, so when I asked at lunch I was told it had already been done.It must have been JUST before I got there this morning! God I was angry! Although it's a non invasive procedure the head scans are a big deal to me. If I am there also I can get the gist of how it is.. All I was told by the nurse was "A little bit on the right" apparently.. So yeah the official report I will get from the Consultant tomorrow. I'm not too worried though. I think if it was serious, I would have had someone speak with me today..

Anyway, now there is a note next to his crib that I MUST be called for any non urgent procedures.. I was lucky I was called for the weigh.. I was on my way when the nurse called me, so they waited for me luckily.. I would have been VERY unhappy if I'd missed that..
I'm not sure if it helps Jett, but I know it makes Mummy feel better to be there talking to him while he is having procedures or being moved.


Apart from being angry I wasn't called today I have had an ok day. It's good that Jett is so stable. I have been spending lots of time with him, holding his hand, singing, reading books and of course expressing lol.. I told Jett about his family today and how he has 3 big brothers, 2 of which are his guardian angels.. I miss Taite and Seth sooo much :( I am so in awe of my 3rd perfect son. I feel so guilty I couldn't hold him in :( I hate watching him go through so much shit, but he is getting better by the day it seems. He has been under phototherapy lights, but when he isn't under them he looks amazing. His neck still has broken down skin, so I am terrified of him getting an infection, but it was looking better too today. HE NEEDS TO GET RID OF THIS FLUID!!!! My poor baby :(

I'm a bit lonely. From now on I will be alone most of the time at night. Funnily enough I have really started to miss my cat. It occured to me that I haven't really lived on my own, because I have always had Jazz. I wish he could stay with me..

We have been getting visitors through the day, and I am welcoming them :)

Our visitors so far (not in order of visiting, I'm just trying to remember who has been here :):

Nan, pop, Meme, Aunty Kelly, Uncle Shannon, Taylah, Meekah, Big brother Jacob & his Mum, Yasmin, Rachel, Mel, Nae, Anna, Cassandra, Nikki & Suzi. I think they are the only ones who have been in to see Jett. Some of Jade's mates have been up, but I don't think they actually went in.I am loving showing off my boy :)Well Mama's off to get some sleep, so I can see my baby early in the morning and get what will hopefully be a good result for this head scan :)


  1. Great to hear he is stablising Abby :)
    Wow! So many visitors!! Only Matt and I saw our boys until we got to room 2. I was greedy and kept them to myself :p
    We are all so different - our needs, our wants .. one can never assume the help we wish to receive - so please continue to tell us what you need <3

  2. Abby - you and Jett both are as awe inspiring as Tait and Seth are. You and Jeet can do this... keep strong my blossom and keep believing.
