*Deep breath* Ok so it has been a scary few days, but Jett is ok. He has whats called pulmonary Interstitial emphysema, which basically means he is leaking air into his chest cavity and his lungs aren't working to do the correct gas exchange. this results in a lot of desaturations which is really stressful for Mummy to see. He is having a bit of trouble keeping his temperature, but again it's all part of being so premature. Anyway, they have put a drain in his left lung to get rid of the air, and unfortunately today he is getting one in his right lung too.
He is a wriggly little boy, so they have also started him on morphine and medazalam to calm him down. He is on Dobutamine for his blood pressure, and ibuprofen to close the duct in his heart. He is having an echocardiogram today to see how that's been going. Also back to his lungs, I forgot to mention he is on a high frequency ventilation. It make his whole body vibrate, but it is actually more gentle than the other type of ventilator. Yesterday Jett had his day 3 head scan to check for brain bleeding, and it was good. Possibly a grade 1 bleed on the right side, but nothing that is of concern. His next head scan is day 10..
I had a minor meltdown last night. This is the hardest thing in the world. To watch your baby go through all this shit and not be able to protect them. I had a decent sleep though last night which helps.
I saw a mental health nurse this morning and she is referring me to a psychologist to work through the trauma surrounding my babes birth, as well as the fear of having another prem. We have loads of support and I feel grateful for every ounce of love that people are sending. So again, thank you.
I am looking at getting discharged to Ronald Macdonald house on Wednesday and that will be where I live til our boy grows strong enough to come home.. Oh how I can't wait!
I am pumping loads of milk, so I am happy about that! Not sure when he will feed though, maybe today, depends how he goes after the drain is in..
It is a horrible feeling being so helpless, but we are strong, have lots of support and we can do this... Day by day..
Lots of love to you, I can't imagine how stressful it is having another prem after all you went through with Taite and Seth. Hoping Jett improves everyday. Give me a call if you need a break from RMcD house.
ReplyDeleteYour an amazing and strong woman Abby xxx
ReplyDeleteYou're doing so well, Jett is so lucky to have you as his mum xx
ReplyDeleteThey say the universe does not give you more than you can handle. If that is true, you are one tough woman! Sending love and strength <3