Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 17 - Eyes are open!!


Today was so special! I got there for his cares this morning to be told he will be having a wash and weigh :)During his sponge bath, he opened BOTH his eyes completely!! We had great eye contact! The nurse managed to get some pictures to put on his disc, but I am yet to get a pic, every time I went to take one he'd close them, or only open 1 eye lol.. After his weigh he had the phototherapy lights on, but when I go back this arvo, I'll take the light off for half hour or so. His bilirubin isn't too bad, so he is able to have periods of no lights :)

His ventilation has been weaned from 50 breaths per minute yesterday, down to 35 today :) They want to get it down to about 20, to wean him off completely. The nurse said because he has handled the weaning so well he may not even need steroids to wean off it, but that's up to Dr D, we will talk about it Monday. He has a tiny bit of aspirate still, so feeds haven't been restarted yet. My babe is doing beautifully, I can't wait to get more pics with his eyes open :)

His weight is 980gms, he still has a bit of fluid, so he has started a 24hr course of lasix. They have also halved his dose of hydrocortisone which is for his BP, so we'll see how is is with that.. Everything is moving in the right direction. I would have been 28wks pregnant today! Tomorrow is a pregnancy and infant loss memorial service with Bears of Hope (formerly Bonnie Babes). Deb is reading out a poem and releasing Taite and Seth's balloons for me. I wish I could be there..


Tired, but soooooo happy I can look at my baby in the eye now.. It makes it hard to leave now that he is so aware. He knows when I am there so I want to be there all the time. I wish I could sleep next to his crib, then maybe I would get some rest.. I hate that I can't just take him home NOW.. I know it will come eventually, but I want my baby home with mama where he belongs.. Feeling a little up and down today. Torn between sleeping and being a Mother to my babe..

I'm actually going for a quick sleep now before it's time to go back for nappy change :)

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