Holding him while he gets sheets changed & gazing down at my Son :)
Another good day! Bub will be coming off high frequency ventilation tomorrow!!!!! His Morph and Medaz are weaned to 4mcgs now and the dopamine and dobutamine are almost off. The doses aree really low, although I can't remember exactly! Mel came up today and managed to capture some pics of Mummy holding him up while he had a bed change! I also sponge bathed him this afternoon.. I can't wait til he gets a proper bath! I love my baby boy, I am so proud of him :) He loved Daddy's visit today, sqeezing his finger VERY tight :)
Well, today a blood test came back with low cortisol (sp?) levels, so I have to have another test tomorrow. Apparently after a big bleed like I had, the pituitary gland can stop working as well. Cortisol is a steroid that helps you cope with stress, I don't want to be low on that! Anyway, we'll see what the repeat test says, then take it from there..
I am over expressing, I have thrush on my nipple it is so painful. Mel took me to Chermside during quiet time today so I grabbed some treatment and a few other things. I bought Jett a book :). The electric pump I borrowed isn't working quite as well as I need it to, so I have sent my friends on a mission to get me one. Apparently some ladies from the awesome parenting forum I am on, have raised some $$ so that will pay for it.. Yay, I'm so happy and grateful! Decent electric breast pumps are expensive, and I am in this for the long haul so need one that does the job well.
I am so lucky I have great friends.. Thank you all so much!! xx
That's about it, I think. I am tired but so happy Bub is doing so well :) Can't wait to see how Bub goes after his ventilation is changed. I'm nervous, but excited this is a step forward!
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