Jett holding Daddy's hand :)
OMG my baby looks amazing today! Most of his fluid is gone, the creases in his neck look almost healed, his morph and madaz have been weaned to 8mcgs, so we have my active baby back! His fluid has gone down considerably, I'd love to know what he weighs now.. Maybe tonight he'll have a wash & weigh?
He was taken off his nitric oxide at midnight last night, and has been coping well on room air! Now to get off high frequency vent and stabilise this breathing so Mama can have a cuddle!
He needed a another blood transfusion today, due to low HB, but that's just because of all the blood they are taking off him with his 4hrly gases.. Unfortunately his little cannula tissued and he had to have it re sited.. My poor baby.. He is still aspirating bile, but not as much, Dr D isn't concerned about it at all and his tummy isn't distended or hard so that's a good sign..
My Dad came up today so Jett met his Poppy :) He'll be back on Friday.
I am good today, I sacrificed my early morning expressing time, so I could get some more sleep. I was so exhausted and really fading fast, I wasn't sure how I could keep doing this, but with some sleep and determination to be there for my lil Jett plane, here I am doing all again, and loving every second spent with my Baby :)
The nurses have been so supportive and fantastic.
Good to see that Jett is doing so much better, and his Mum too. Love the pic of Jett and his Dad. keep strong