Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 144 & 145 - :)

Both yesterday and today Jett had big sleeps, he must be having a growth spurt :) I got massively frustrated yesterday because his TPN was put up to match his weight gain again! So for each Ml it was brought down, it only went back up! Also I was upset because they changed his NG tube overnight. They are not supposed to do ANYTHING without me there, especially because Jett doesn't even need his tube through the day, he could have had the day without it.. Anyway, I got over it and had a good day. The nurses know now, there are notes everywhere lol.

Dr D put Jett's feeds up faster today to compensate for the TPN going up over the weekend. He's now on 60ml 3hourly overnight and still demand feeding through the day. (I don't like the term demand feeding, maybe I can say we are doing baby led nursing?? )His TPN is coming down 1ml QID as his feeds increase still by 3mls. The TPN should be finished tomorrow night.. Yay! The central line will come out! I can't wait.. Then we will start baby led nursing overnight too!

Jett got weighed today, his weight is 4890gms which is great. I'm so happy he is putting weight on without his milk being measured. He may lose weight when the TPN goes. It wont matter though, as long as he starts to put it back on. Jett loved his bath today. It relaxes him and he sleeps well after it. I can't wait til he can float properly with no lines in!!!

Immunisations tomorrow :( I really thought hard about doing it, Sometimes it can make them go backwards in terms of needing oxygen. I don't think it will though. Jett is 6wks adjusted, he's not a tiny prem anymore. He is having all of them except Hep B. Not sure if I will keep with the schedule, I may delay further vaxxes..

I can't believe our time here is coming to a close... I couldn't be happier!!!

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