Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 111, 112 &113 - 16 weeks old today!

The last few days have been fairly uneventful, which is good :) Jett had another big bath on Tuesday which he loved. He was tipping his head back so I let him put the back of his head in the water and it gave him a bit of a fright. I don't think he liked his ears getting wet!

It was a really busy day yesterday in Jett's room so he had lovely cuddles later in the evening. He was so settled all day yesterday. I figure he's sleeping to conserve his energy for his big day next week.

Jett had a sponge bath today because it was busy again and it takes 3 nurses to give him a big bath, between holding him, the tube and bed making. Hopefully he'll have another big bath on Saturday.. He got weighed today and weighed 3896gms.. He had lost weight his previous 2 weighs so it's good he's putting it back on again :)

Jett had his blood gas this morning, his CO2 was only 51 so his ventilation has been weaned. The pip had been weaned his last gas from 20 to 19 so today it was weaned to 18 :) His rate was weaned from 40 to 35. His oxygen is still room air (21%) and his saturations sit at 100 most of the time. Jett is low in some trace elements so they are adding something to his TPN.. Something starting with S.. I can't remember the name of it! Also not sure if I mentioned it, but Jett's IV came out on Sunday so his antibiotics were stopped. I had to catch another midstream urine sample which I did successfully to check if he still has e coli. No results as yet..

I am really happy he is so stable. He is definitely as well as he can be in preparation for surgery. He has been awake and alert and loving his time sitting up :)

Here are some pics :) I love my beautiful boy sooooo much!!!

Sitting up like the big boys do!

Snuggy buggy after his big bath

Wearing his cranky pants (and trying to pull that tube out!)

Dressed like a true Aussie in his tracky pants and singlet! So cute :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh these pictures are just gorgeous! What a handsome little man he is :) I love those chubby cheeks. Just beautiful.
