Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 50 - 7wks old today


Well another big day for my baby today. His HB was 79 this morning so Dr D couldn't hold off on doing a transfusion any longer, so my Baby had to have another IV.. Luckily his veins have recovered a little bit so Dr D got it in his leg and it didn't take long.. After that the surgeons came to put a little bit of dye in the drain that goes into his small intestine. He has a T tube in there and they suspected that it may have come out. Sure enough, the dye oozed out next to the drain on the other side which indicated dye had gone into his abdominal cavity and wasn't contained in the bowel. 2 reasons this could happen. 1, it could be because of a perforation, either an old one or new one or 2 One side of the tube could have come out. They were with him for 5 hours gradually putting in dye then x raying him. The surgeon that did his actual surgery wasn't there today, but they spoke to her on the phone and at this stage they aren't going to do anything. Removing the drain would mean surgery and they aren't willing to do that yet.

No changes to his ventilation today.. His carbon dioxide is a bit higher than it has been, but still within the range that Dr D is happy with. She is happy with the rest of his blood results. His platelets are coming up all by themselves..

My brave baby Jett tolerated all the handling well. He is so clever.


Well I have had a fucked day today.. I was out of the room for most of the time when the surgeons were there because they were scrubbing his line in,plus I had to sort shit out with centrelink. When I finished at centrelink I called and found out the surgeons were still with him. I got there after quiet time and they were STILL there, I totally panicked then Dr D took me in to show me the xrays.. At that stage she hadn't spoken to Jett's surgeon so they weren't sure what the next step was. It was so scary to think he may have had another perforation..

Then my day got worse when the Obstetric reg I see came to find me in the nursery. Fab news: I have to have a D & C.. Which means a general anaesthetic.. Fucking great. Thank god Mum will be here to sit with my babe. They are getting a professor to do it instead of a reg or consultant because I am considered high risk after everything that happened after Jett's delivery. All I asked is that they don't do it Monday. It is Taite and Seth's birthday and I want to have a cuddle with my only living son.

I am scared about going to theatre, I am scared what would happen if something happened to me. Normally I wouldn't worry about this stuff, but it's brought up all the fear after what happened after Jett's birth. I really need a break. I am so stressed and my milk is suffering. It doesn't help that I can barely express without being in agony..

Having a bad bad day today :(

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